It is the main road connecting Limavady to Derry~Londonderry and provides links to the Maydown and Campsey industrial zones and to the City of Derry Airport, the key air transport hub in the northwest.
With traffic levels continuing to grow and anticipated expansion of local industry this scheme aimed to tackle traffic congestion and address road safety issues for the travelling public. The Works included the provision of:
On-line/off-line improvement of the A2 Trunk Road from single carriageway to Dual 2-lane carriageway between the Maydown Roundabout and the City of Derry Airport consisting of approximately 6.3 km of dual carriageway.
3 new at-grade roundabouts referred as Cloghole, Broadbridge, Longfield roundabouts, and one new replacement roundabout referred as the City of Derry Airport Side Road roundabout.
New and improved junctions at road intersections
Lengths of new links and access roads, and improvements to lengths of the existing links to provide connections to the A2 Trunk Road and to maintain existing network continuity
Various structures including a pedestrian underpass, a shared use pedestrian/cyclist footbridge, improvements to an existing bridge and also a new bridge over the river Faughan, and three road bridges over the river Muff.
Road Features including lay-bys, bus bays and turning areas & pedestrian/cycleway facilities.
Accommodation Works for affected landowners.
Application of HAPAS certified High Friction Surfacing on the approach to all Roundabouts and elevated skid resistance by application of high PSV chippings on all side-roads. High PSV chippings were used throughout to eliminate the requirement for joints in the surface course.
The Scheme has been designed for a AADT 33,750.